Nausea during pregnancy is caused by changes in the hormone levels in the body during the early stages of pregnancy. It usually happens early on in the pregnancy.
yellowish and slimy like
During pregnancy, spotting can occur due to implantation bleeding, cervical changes, or complications like miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. It is important to consult a healthcare provider if spotting is experienced during pregnancy.
yes that's how i new i was i had cramps till i was like 10 11 weeks with all 4 pregnancys
That sounds like a job for a very close friend.
An outy bellybutton or an iny bellybutton all depends on how you cut the umbilicored when you are first born
no like your mama
These are known as seismic surface waves. They travel along the Earth's surface and cause the ground to move in a rolling motion. They are responsible for the most damage during an earthquake as they can generate strong shaking and displacement of structures.
Sun flower seeds are fine during pregnancy. They are very high in sodium so like everything in life, moderation is reccomended.
You should contact your doctor for any bleeding during a pregnancy.
Its end looks like a navel, which is a bellybutton
The issue with drinks like RedBull during pregnancy is not the sugar, it is the caffeine. It is good to keep your sugar intake reduced during your pregnancy, but it is better to keep your caffeine levels low.