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Indica strains of marijuana make you feel sleepy. Sativa's make you more awake.

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16y ago

YES! Potheads are naturally slow.

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12y ago

Yes if you do it a lot

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Q: Does weed make you run slower?
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Virtually, no.

Does weed make you cool?

no weed dosent make you cool. yeah you can have alot of fun with it but in the long run it can hurt you but you need to try everything once that's what i always say

Are you slower when you smoke weed?

yea your reaction time definitely gets slower and your ability to process information and retain things is slowed by far as well.

Can rotted weed hurt you?

any type of weed can hurt you in the long run

How do yo make a sketch star slower?

To make your sketches slower or make one thing go slower is to copy it a little times. That's how you make go slower

Why your brain is so slow in the morning when you used to smoke weed last night?

Weed makes your brain slower because it is a drug and not good for you! so remember kids. DON'T SMOKE WEED UNTIL YOU ARE 21 ACTUALLY. DON'T SMOKE WEED AT ALL

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no not really bigger feet make u go slower

Why fat is bad for you?

Because it could make you get a hard time to breathe and make you run slower during p.e. It can also make you overweighted and block your lung pipes.

What effects can a virus have on a computer system?

The virus can make a computer run slower than usual, or stop the computer from working.

Does overdrive make your car move faster?

Overdrive lets the engine run slower at highway speeds. This saves on gas.