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Q: Does weed make you get zits?
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Why does weed give you zits?

Because the weed has chemicals on it and when things have chemicals on them it gets into your skin and therefore it causes zits.

Is it true that toothpaste gets rid of zits and if so how do you apply it?

Toothpaste DOES not get rid of zits and it will make it worse if you apply it. I am a professional doctor which specializes in dry skin.

Does toothpaste make zits go away?

It can for some people, but it did no help for me.

What does zits mean?

Zits is slang for pimples.

What words end in with the letters zits?

Just one - zits.

Why do zits come out?

zits appear on your face or on your back because you are cumming... cumming causes zits to appear... but this is embarrassing... believe me, people will see those zits and notice that you're cumming...

Does Zac have zits?

Yes, he has some on his left cheek, but covers it up with make up and a tan. He no longer has them now he is 20 years old. he had zits when he was 15-17 -- Did not last long.

Dermatologist advice on how to get rid of zits at home fast?

First of all, I make a ix of soap, aloe, and activated charcoal, it gets rid of my zits and pimples fast. Hope this is helpful.

Is ZITS a Scrabble word?

Yes. Zits is allowed as a Scrabble word.

How do you make a brownie?

Get weed alot a weed

How do you make zits go away fast using no cream?

Wash your face and keep it clean.

How do you clear popped zits?

Lemon juice. Rub lemons on your zits... it will burn but its worth it