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Q: Does toy bot diaries work for iPod touch?
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How many hours does an 32g ipod touch hold?

that should be on but it is 36 hours of music or 6 hours of video. NOT BOT AT THE SAME TIME!

Should you get the Sony Ericsson Satio and sell your iPod Touch 2nd Generation or keep both?

If you have enough money to keep bot keep both and remember you won't have acces to Apple App store on Satio.

How does marriage bot or friend bot on facebook work?

Its who ever your tagged with the most

How do you get lots if money in imobsters for iPod touch?

Another bot you can add that will decrease the amount of time it takes to regain energy is: XKBTTD Use an ROI calculator tool to maximize your purchase decisions. We've referenced one in the related links.

What are some good apps for 10 year olds on iPod touch?

One good app might be Doodle Jump. It is very simple, and widely popular.

What does touch not the cat bot a glove mean?

"Bot" means without, and a "glove" is the wildcat's paw. It's a motto for Clan MacPherson. and means "Don't touch a cat whose claws are not tucked inside its paw." It's a motto telling other clans not to mess with Clan MacPherson.

Does the msn boyfriend bot still work?

No. He has retired which some do.

How does bristle bot work?

they motor vibrates so much causing the bot to go forward see

How do you recruit troops in evony?

The easiest way is to just set a bot to do the work. You can download a undetectable evony bot from here:

Will a Wii bot in the US work in Asia w the Asia adaptor?


Racing live app on ipod touch or iphone?

The application is available on both Add the Racing Live Bot (GKTKSJ) code to your crew and you get what seems to be a random award. Anything from prestige points, a decent loot car or just some hard cash. In addition you can download all of the other Storm 8 Games. That will help you grab Prestige points. And, not as legit as the above but if you've got a jailbroken iPhone/iPod you can download the Prestige Points off Installous/ They only work once though so use them wisely. Good Luck Gaming.

What is the best way to build troops in evony?

The best way to build troops is to use a bot to do the work for you. You can download a undetectable evony bot from here: