That depends on the fine print in the warranty, which varies from company to company.
One year unless you purchase the extended warranty. All warranty voided if phone is dropped in water. Beware of the "buddy" clause, if you loan your phone to your buddy while it is still in warranty and it "quits" then you will be out a phone. According to Verizon once the phone leaves your plan it is no longer covered.
Take the cover off, the battry, and everything, and then blow dry it for 3-4 minutes dropped mine in the bath and did that, and it worked but dont switch the phone on when its wet! :)
look on the website it should say something about a warranty
SticK it in a bag of rice
Take it out of the water immediately. Dry it off as much as you can. Stick it in a bag or jar of rice overnight to absorb the water. See if it works in the morning. If it doesn't work you'll have to get a new phone. Most plans don't cover water damage.
form_title=3G Phones form_header=No matter what is broken or malfunctioning, we will connect you with the most qualified repair specialist to get the problem fixed. Brand of phone?*= _[50] Model of phone?*= _[50] Is your 3G phone under warranty?*= () Yes () No Is it possible your phone has been dropped or damaged due to water?*= () Yes () No What problem(s) are you having with your 3G phone?*= _Please Explain[100]
Ford are so confident of their build quality they cut the warranty to 12 months for water leaks and not 36 months that I had thought it would be
My husband works for a major phone retailer - definitely don't immerse your mobile phone in water - with or without the battery as the phone's other components are not waterproof and it will usually void your warranty!
Not really, it give the phone more water residue, either use rice or use the cool setting on a blow dryer.
form_title=Blackberry Mobile Phones form_header=Get connected with confidence! Find a mobile phone repair specialist near you. Model of Blackberry?*= _[50] Are you having a problem with applications?*= () Yes () No Is your phone currently under warranty?*= () Yes () No Has the phone been dropped or sustained any water damage recently?*= () Yes () No What problem(s) are you experiencing with your phone?*= _Please Explain[100]
I had dropped my phone in water and mines doing that.