A word that can be interpreted in a non literal meaning is said to have a figurative meaning.
Christmas is only an abbreviation of Christmas. It means exactly the same as Christmas and has no other meaning. Please see the Related Question, below, for more information.
A word that can be interpreted in a non literal meaning is said to have a figurative meaning.
The term for words that have more than the literal meaning is "figurative language." This includes figures of speech like metaphors, similes, and idioms which convey meanings beyond their literal interpretation.
Menometrorrhagia is the medical term meaning bleeding that's heavier and more frequent than normal.
Pray For Plagues by Bring Me The HorizonThe Term for it is "Double Entendre".
More than is a trick term meaning to add. So 7 more than 26 is simply saying 7 + 26. 7 + 26 = 33.
A sophomoric person is a derogatory term meaning the person to whom the term is applied is conceited and acts as if they know more than they really do .
Hypotrophy is the medical term meaning less than normal growth.
The term callback in computer programming can have more than just one meaning. Mainly the term callback means a code that is an argument to another existing code.
A word with more than one meaning is called a homonym.
Poly Definition of POLY- containing an indefinite number more than one of a (specified) substance