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Yes it does, it is placed in the phone by removing the back cover and battery and the memory card slots underneath the sim card, if i recall correctly it takes up to 8gb in size and is a micro SD.... hope this helps

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Q: Does the samsung tocco lite have a memory card?
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Where does the memory card go in the samsung tocco lite?

take out the battery and under there, there is an arrow pointing to it,

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Samsung tocco lite or Samsung tocco?

Depends on how much money you want to spend. Tocco lite is cheaper, but has less features

Is the Samsung tocco lite a smartphone?

Yes samsung tocco lite is a smartphone and its also a very reasonable price.

Which is better Samsung tocco or Samsung tocco lite?

i know that the tocco lite is better because my dad works in a phone shop and the tocco lite is way way better you see the tocco is good the tocco lite has more and improved stuff to it so i hope i have helped and thanks

What phone is better Samsung c6625 or tocco lite?

Go for Samsung Tocco Lite as it has much better features than Samsung c6625.

When did the Samsung tocco lite come out?

The samsung tocco lite was announced in march 2009 and released mid may 2009

LG cookie or Samsung tocco lite?

I researched them both and the lg cookie seems more entertaining than the Samsung tocco lite but the samsung tocco lite was more of a phone than the LG cookie (what i like about the LG cookie is it has a drawing pad on it!)