I've never come across one that does - but as they are a chain, it's best to contact the hotel directly you are internding to say at.
yeah its called a pool
Premier Inn is the combination of Tavel Inn and Premier Lodge.
Premier Inn was created in 1987.
It most likely depends on which one you go to.
Premier Inn uses Hypnos mattresses.
Employees at Premier Inn get paid every week.
It depends on which Premier Inn you're refering to. Premier Inn London Kensington Earl's Court has 184 rooms. Premier Inn London Southwark only 80 something. If you need to know how many rooms a specific Premier Inn has, I recommend you'd call that branch directly.
Ireland does not have postcodes. The address of the Premier Inn at Dublin Airport is: Premier Inn Dublin Airport Airside Retail Park, Swords, Dublin, Ireland
When looking to find all the different locations of the Premier Inn's then it may be possible to find them by visiting the Premier Inn website that has a location directory available to use.
'Swimming Pool', sometimes shortened to 'Pool'.
It is rumoured that he drove a Rolls Royce into a swimming pool at a Hoiday Inn on his 21st birthday