After just 7 days of taking the pill at the same time everyday it is safe to have sex without other using a condom .Also if you keep taking the pill at the same time for three week there will be enough hormones in you that the forth week it will still be safe to have sex.
Ack! There are no sugar pills in the mini pill! There are only active pills, 28 of them in each pack, and you must take one daily in order to avoid pregnancy. If you start skipping seven of them every month, you're going to get pregnant!
The sugar pill is just to keep you on the regimin of taking a pill everyday, you don't have to but be sure to get back on the active pills when you should stop taking the sugar pills
In theory it is possible but it is very unlikely -
Not exactly.. your period can occur as late as the 4th sugar pill
You can always skip the inactive pills but you must remember exactly how long not to take them and then start up your active pills when scheduled to do so. They are just sugar pills and really they are there so that you will remember to take the other pills at the appropriate time
If you took a the wrong sugar pill on the week you were supposed to be taking sugar pills, there's no worry. If you took a sugar pill when you should have taken an active pill, it's as if you took no pill at all.
If you are talking about the last week in your pill pack, yes, you are supposed to start you period that week. I don't know what they are made of, but they are often called sugar or inactive pills. They aren't always green though. It depends on the kind of pill you have. If you are talking about another week, I don't know what they are made of either, but you aren't supposed to start your period until the last week of your pill pack. Please be aware that not everyone starts their period during the sugar pills, especially when you first start taking the pill. So if you have been taking your pill perfectly, every day no fail and at approximately the same time, chances are you are not pregnant. My first month on the pill I didn't get a period at all and freaked out but the test was negative, the following month I got my period on the third week and it stopped before the sugar pills. Many times it's just your system adjusting to the hormones.
If you went more than seven days without an active pill, you're at increased risk of pregnancy until you've taken seven pills in a row correctly. The change in prescription doesn't increase the risk, but skipping the last pill can increase the risk if you followed that with seven days of sugar pills or no pill.
There is no "should," except that you should take your pills as scheduled, regardless of the timing of bleeding, and contact the prescriber if you have any questions or concerns. Each woman is different - some have their withdrawal bleeding on the first "sugar" pill, and some not until the last sugar pills. In the first three months, you may experience unexpected bleeding on the "active" (non-sugar) pills, but after that three month "breaking in" period, you'll fall into a more predictable pattern.
Keep taking your pill all the way through the placebo ones, then after you are done taking the sugar pills don't take the next months pills. You may or may not get your period that next month. Everyone is different.
One way is to use birth control pills and skip the sugar pills. Firstly you would want to look for a pill pack that contains the same amount of progestin and estrogen in every hormone pill, such as Alesse. Most birth control pill packages contain 21 hormone pills followed by 7 placebos. To suppress your period you would take the first 21 pills from your first pill pack then move immediately on to your second pill pack, tossing out the leftover sugar pills. Keep in mind that suppressing your period might contribute to spotting throughout the month for some women. Checking out might be a good place to look for more information.
You don't start with the sugar pills. You start with the first pill. If you are starting in the first days of your menstrual bleeding, you don't need to use a backup birth control method.