The gout diet is not a diet to lose weight. It is a diet you follow if you have gout. Please see the following: -
The Purine diet is usually a diet for someone who has Gout. If you are wanting to go on the Purine diet, I would recommend speaking with your Dr to make sure that it is safe for you to be on. You want to make sure that you are not harming yourself by being on this diet.
There are many websites that could help you find information on a gout diet. is one website that has a detailed description of a gout diet, including the purpose, diet details, results, and risks of being on a gout diet.
The inflammation diet actually does work. It is the brainchild of Dr. Weil who created the diet based on science. The great thing about this diet is the quick weight loss that occurs after following the diet.
It is true that altering your diet can help improve your arthritis and gout. Decrease your meat intake and lose weight. You can get more tips at
It is actually less likely for pirates to get gout because of the lifestyle they were forced to lead. they had to keep fit and certainly did not partake of a constantly rich diet, prerequisites for many gout sufferers. On the other hand some people have a predisposition to producing a great deal of uric acid any way and end up with gout as a result. So Yes some pirates might also have suffered from gout.
I know people who have tried this type of diet, and they have said that it was not effective at all. So my answer would be that, no, this diet does not work.
Gout and scurvy
The treatment of gout may involve a combination of both drugs and dietary changes. For more information on the treatment of gout go to the related link (How To Treat Gout With Diet and Medication) below.
Talk to your health-care provider about what foods you should eat to keep your gout symptoms in check. The Mayo Clinic website also has diet guidelines for gout patients. Other sources include and
Generally, drinking plenty of fluids is one of the best things you can do when you have gout, avoiding alcoholic beverages is also highly recommended. The Mayo clinic has a detailed list of food that are good to eat, and foods to avoid for those who have gout:
It works for some and then it doesnt work for some other people. It really just depends on how your body adapts to the diet. No diet is a garantee to work.
Farmed raised rabbit is not a good meat for people with gout. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is best for people who have gout. Meats and other foods with high levels of purine produce uric acid. Uric acid is the factor upsetting the body of a person with gout.