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In the first three months of use, women may experience a 2-3 pound weight gain or loss, but this change disappears after that three-month breaking in period is over.

Some women report increased appetite on the Birth Control pill, but if you don't change how much you eat or exercise, the pill will not cause weight gain. A few women may experience some change in water weight when on the pill, but this effect is not long-lasting. In either case, a change to a different mix of hormones may make a difference.

For the 5% of US women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, weight loss is a normal effect of birth control pills as they normalize hormone level.

It's important to remember that:

  • Women should normally gain weight during the teen years, until they're fully grown. Review of CDC growth charts show that weight gain is normal and expected though the end of adolescence. It's not unusual for a teen to blame the birth control pill when her weight increases from 95 lbs at age 14 to 110 lbs at age 18, but this may be normal growth.
  • The average weight gain for US women is 10 lbs for every 10 years after adolescence ends. The average American woman is gaining weight every year, and increasing exercise to match calorie intake is an important strategy for weight control. Women gaining a pound each year could beat the average by cutting 10 calories per day from their diets.
  • Pregnancy is strongly correlated with weight gain. While you may choose not to use the birth control pill, keep in mind that the most effective methods can reduce the odds of weight gain by reducing the chance of pregnancy.

Not necessarily...birth control may make you gain 1 or 2 kilos due to water retention but it doesn't make you "fatter". The reason why some women can gain alot of weight on the pill is because the pill can increase the appetite in some women (often making them crave foods that are high in calories). They eat more than they normally would and thus gain weight
Sometimes. After all, anytime you interfere with hormones, there is the possibility of unintended consequences.
in four months i have gone from my afterbirth weight of 10st 4 lbs to 11st 2lbs i have always looked after my weight but this weight has just appeared out of nowhere
Yes, ive been on birth control for only about 3 and a half weeks and ive already gained like 7 pounds!!!
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Q: Does the birth control pill cause weight gain?
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How can birth control make you gain weight?

Despite old wives' tales to the contrary, birth control pills do not cause weight gain. Patients on birth control pills and patients not on birth control in controlled studies both gained weight.

Does all birth control make you gain weight?

Yes, most birth control pills do cause meight gain, but some less than others,

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To prevent weight gain on birth control, don't change how much you eat or exercise. If you were gaining weight before starting birth control, you'll probably continue to gain weight after starting birth control.

What would cause your breasts to get larger when you are on the birth control pill?

Hi :-) * Hormones contained in Birth Control Pill. * Pregnancy. * Hormonal imbalance. * Weight gain.

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Getting "the shot" or Depo-Provera for birth control can increase your appetite, which can cause weight gain.

Does Diane cause weight gain?

Diane pills are a birth control method that can affect hormones. Depending on your hormones, you can gain or lose weight. Each individual is affected differently.

What ingredient in birth control pills make you gain weight?

The Birth Control itself does not have any ingredients in it that make you gain weight. The birth control makes you crave food and its the food you eat that makes you gain weight. So when you crave the food go for something healthy to eat such as fruit.

Can not taking sugar pill cause weight gain?

No. Often weight gain is experienced in some women due to the hormone changes caused by birth control pills. It has nothing to do with the sugar pills.

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Does Mirelle birth control increase weight gain?

Yes it does.

How long can you take birth control without causing problems?

birth control doesnt usually ever cause problems other than the depo provera shot causes weight gain

What the most common birth control that will prevent you from gaining weight?

No birth control method will prevent weight gain. Weight gain results from a mismatch of energy intake and energy output. If you eat right and exercise, matching your input and output, you will not gain weight once you reach your mature adult size.