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it will speed up because you are probably overwhelmed with nervousness or the very thought of them.

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Q: Does the beat of the heart speed up or slow down when in love?
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Can your heart skip a beat when in love?

I believe yes from experience. The girl didn't love me but I love her. When I see her, my heart does skip a beat. I wore a heart monitor one day, and when I first saw her that day my heart skipped a beat.

Can your heart really skip a beat when in love?

I believe yes from experience. The girl didn't love me but I love her. When I see her, my heart does skip a beat. I wore a heart monitor one day, and when I first saw her that day my heart skipped a beat.

Why does your heart beat faster when someone says they are in love with you?

I think ths is LOVE! (yasaman)

I think of him a lot but when i talk to him i don't feel my heart beat increasing do i love him?


How does heart function when you are in love?

its not really in the heart its emotionally... uless your having hard good sex then your heart will beat faster as your moving quickly.

Why does the heart stand for love?

The heart is the symbol for love because when your in love your heart beats faster and like faster.When you really love someone your heart either slows down or speeds up.So get ready for some heart pounding moments.

Prick love for pricking and you beat love down?

the thron is emotionally distubred and likes to beat people to make himself feel better

My gf wants me to explain to her in words how i love her i show her how much i love her in actions but she wants to hear it in words I'm deeply in love with her how do i tell her?

Well, I can't exactly tell you how to tell her how much you truelly love her. But telling her how much you love her, well, it should all come directly from your heart. If you can't think of what to say, then write it down as a poem. A love poem always makes a girl's heart skip a beat. :]

What does it mean when your heart skips a beat when you see a certain person?

it could mean that your in love with that person.

How do you write about love?

When you're writing about love, write down what comes from the heart, because the heart knows the important qualities of life.

Why does your heart pound when you're in love?

Your heart rate increases in response to the higher levels of adrenaline that are released when you see or think about someone you love.

If love be rough with you be rough with love Prick love for pricking and you beat love down?

Indeed. This is said by Mercutio, in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.