None that I have experienced... Maybe more like a spicy skunk smell.. But I havnt heard of this.
Yes, some people describe the smell of marijuana as being similar to pepper, along with other scents such as pine, citrus, or skunk. This can vary depending on the specific strain of marijuana and individual perception.
Marijuana smoke smells sweet. (Yes, I have actually smelled it.)
Marijuana can have a sweet, herbal, skunky, or earthy smell, with some strains having more citrus or fruity notes. The exact smell can vary depending on the strain and how it was grown, dried, and stored.
One particular strain of marijuana does have a smell that is very similar to the smell that the skunk emits when it feels threatened and sprays. I have only once for a short time seen this particular strain and that was in 1990-91 in California. Back then we just called it KGB or Killer Green Bud.
Yes, marijuana plants do have a distinct and strong odor, which can vary depending on the strain. The smell is often described as pungent, skunky, or earthy, and can be easily recognizable.
No, the smell of marijuana (weed) comes from various compounds such as terpenes and cannabinoids present in the plant. The smell can vary depending on the strain and how it is cultivated. The smell of earth is typically associated with soil, decaying organic matter, and minerals.
how do u get the smell of marijuana back in ur weed when it goes
depends if you like the smell ,but no
To some, the smell could be described as 'funny'.
Marijuana smells the same. It should not matter when it was made. It will smell like it smells anytime.
some sorts of marijuana have a "skunk smell". in fact, a type of marijuana is called skunk, most likely because of the skunk odor it leaves behind after being smoked.