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No it doesn't. It only takes it if it has the America express logo on it

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Q: Does the Commissary take the Military Star Card?
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What is commisary?

A commissary is a person delegated by a superior to take on a duty or job. In the military, a commissary is a store for provisions available to military personnel and their families.

Why was my military star card application denied?

Your military star card application may have been denied due to factors such as a poor credit history, insufficient income, or errors in the application information provided. It is important to review the reasons for denial and take steps to address any issues before reapplying.

Can the military credit card creditors take your federal tax refund?

YES they can, I owed the Military Star Card money, I was paying regularly, the next thing I knew I couldn't log in to pay it (it said the account was closed), and I had moved away, the closest exchange is 110 miles, I tried calling and never got any resolution that way because they couldn't locate my account either. Then the following year my tax return never showed up, when I investigated I found out that the star card people took my tax return. They are allowed to because they are a Federal Government financial institution.

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How can you replace a Bronze star?

If you have the Bronze Star award on your Military Discharge, or if you have the Citation for it, take them to a Veteran Service Officer at any US Federal Building (some county offices have them, too). They will help you.

Is it possible for a mother of a military dependent to get a military id if she is not in the military?

It depends on the situation. Generally speaking, not unless she can no longer take care of herself. A common misconception is that if a military member supports someone, that person becomes a dependent. This is not true. The mother would have to be declared legally unable to care for herself and then the child would have to support her and file the correct paperwork. Even then, though, her ID would only entitle her to use of the exchange, commissary, fitness center, etc. It would not entitle her to TriCare. She could use the MTF (Military Treatment Facility) on a space-available basis, but MediCare and her insurance company would have to cover the costs.

How much is an Michael Jordan 1991-'92 all-star card worth?

My guess is not that much. During that time, tons of cards were made. Lowering the price of many. Just take it to a card shop, check online or get a Becket.

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that a government should take the form of a military Dictatorshipthat a government should take the form of a military dictatorship

do military schools take kids with ADD?

Yes, military schools do except kids with ADHD. Yes , military schools take kids

Does Subway take an American Express Gift Card?

do subway take visa gift card

What documents do you need to take to the Mexican consulate in Illinois to get a Mexican passport?

Birth certificateValid ID, including national military service card, or "IFE" Card.Proof of addressPrevious passport (if looking for renewal)

If you get a iTunes gift card does it already have money on it?

no when you get the card they take money off the card and put it in the card