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Q: Does taking a shower than turning it cold for 30 seconds really burn 100 calories?
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Related questions

What is the duration of Shower of Stars?

The duration of Shower of Stars is 3600.0 seconds.

What is the fastest time taken to shower?

20 and 1/2 seconds

Why do you get goose bump when you come out of the shower?

because when you take a warm shower, the air in your shower is really warm, and when you come out, the air (which is at room temperature) seems really cold compared to the air in your shower, so you get goosebumbs.

How do you prevent water leaking from bathroom floor when turning on the shower?

Well the first thing to check is that the shower door or curtain is closed. Secondly you can check that the sealent on the frame of the shower is in good order.

What actions affect the rest of the world in some way?

turning on a light and taking a shower

Do shower radios really work without getting wet?

Yes, shower radios really work without getting wet.

What you can do to use less water?

we can save water by turning off the Fauset and taking a short shower.

When you go to a pool and then after you take a shower why does your hair get so rough?

Yes after you go the pool you need to take a shower but when you take a shower scrub your hair really really good using the Shampoo&Conditioner method

Where do I find a pretty baby shower cake?

I bought my baby shower cakes on Red Ribbon, it's a Filipino bakery store. You should try it. Really nice design and really good cake. All my friends asked me where did I bought my baby shower cakes. They're really love the cake. I'm so glad I bought my baby shower cakes there.

High pitched squeal from plumbing when turning on shower?

More than likely a washer vibrating in your faucet or tap.

Will taking a shower at midnight affects health?

Taking a shower at midnight in itself is not harmful to your health. However, if it disrupts your sleep schedule or if the water temperature is too hot or cold, it may affect your overall well-being. It's essential to ensure that the shower is not causing any discomfort or interference with your regular sleep patterns.

What do you use in the shower?

i don't understand. is this supposed to be like a joke or are you really asking. becuz there are numerous item you can use in the shower?