check your answer
No ..follow all direction on the bottle and online just took my drug test and still fail
The old guy: NO IT DID NOT WORK FOR ME AND I USED IT EXACTLY AS DIRECTED.I FAILED MY TEST AND STAT FLUSH CUSTOMER SERVICE DID NOT GIVE A CRAP!MY LIFE IS RUINED THANKS TO STAT FLUSH!!!!!!!!Thew New Guy: It really depends on your body weight and metabolism I'm 150 lbs 6'3 and everytime i use stat flush i pass my drug tests with flying colors. Some heavier set people men 220 and women 180lbs+ should take double the recommended dose. Make sure you stop "using" at least like 5 days before your test and start drinking a lot of water/cranberry juice take multivitamins. The day of the the test take the stat flush follow the directions in the bottle and you should be straight.Good Luck i hope this helped.
Nope (unless you're lucky enough to have a strong metabolism) - that product requires 48 hours of "avoiding toxins" beforehand.
Many people say that flush kits work and detox your system. There are many kits and reviews out there, but what may work for someone else may not work for you.
it makes you high
just give it a full flush in your toilet. Oh i believe a half flush wont work!
I'm guessing that your pokemon are leveled up too highly for the stat boosters to work.
It does not work because it is most likely a scam or a fraud.