Spermicidal lube contains chemicals that are toxic to sperm, effectively immobilizing or killing them to prevent fertilization. It disrupts the sperm cell membrane, making it difficult for the sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.
No, it is neither a useful spermicide nor a good lubricant. If you really want somethng that works, go and buy a product made for the purpose from the chemist/pharmacy/apothecary/equivalent retailer.
Spermicidal cream is a contraceptive substance that destroys sperm, inserted vaginally prior to intercourse to prevent pregnancy.
there is a small difference in lube ( coming from the latin word: Lubersaph ) and oil, so it isn't a question that you need to know into a matter of substantionary work.
Chemistry has contributed to population control most notably by the creation of contraception. From spermicidal lube, to birth control pills, to Plan B and vaginal rings, chemistry has aided us in controlling when we multiply. Chemists are currently in the process of developing a birth control pill for men.
Seems to work well for all firearms.
You shouldn't have to, but a little silicone plumbing grease should work.
yeah man get a work perment go to the courthouse
Lube is lube and it's not specific for women. You find lube at your local store or pharmacy.
In the US, spermicidal foam is available without a prescription. It is not a very effective contraceptive on its own, but is effective when used with condoms or other forms of contraception.
The Quicksilver high performance lube will work perfectly fine in a 40 hp Honda. This lube was formulated for use in larger, high demand gearcases and outdrives. The only precaution to note is not to mix this lube with other types of gear lubricant.