

Does sound remain in objects

Updated: 9/28/2023
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12y ago

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depends what object it is. if its a sound proof one then i think so.:)

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Q: Does sound remain in objects
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When objects vibrate they create?

When objects vibrate they create sound because sound is just the vibrations of objects

Which objects have sound energy?

All objects have the potential to make sound when passing through or striking a medium.

How sound waves can be used to find underwater objects?

Sound travels through water. Sound reflects from objects with different densities. You can listen for the echoes.

What are the objects called that allow sound to travel through them?

Sound is a pressure wave. Objects that "allow" sound to travel through them could be called wave guides.

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it starts with a t

What do scientists call the energy of a sound wave?

Sound is a form of energy derived from moving objects. Vibrations in air made by moving objects create sound waves.

Why do smaller objects make higher sounds?

Sound is created by the vibration of air. The faster the vibration, the higher the sound. Smaller objects can vibrate faster than larger objects (of the same kind) and therefore have a higher pitched sound.

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Do objects block sound?

no, they absorb it or the sound waves bounce off.

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Do all vibrating objects produce sound explain?

Yes, because sound is vibration. All vibrating objects will produce some sound. Even if it is decibels below our threshold.