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Marijuana and cannabinoids are known to speed up metabolism so you can rephrase your question to a doctor now :)

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Q: Does smoking marijuana after surgery slow down the healing process?
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Smoking "anything" --- and that certainly includes marijuana, slows down (in some cases, dramatically) the healing process because of the tar and nicotine (and who knows what in marijuana). Also, the inhalation of any "smoking" puts pressure on the socket, further slowing down the healing process. Keep away from smoking for at least 5 to 7 days after surgery.

Does vaporizing marijuana slow down the healing process after surgery?

It would slow down the healing process slightly but if your goin to do it using a vaporiser it is better than smoking a joint or something like that as tabbaco thins the blood delivierying less oxygen to the wound

Why are otoplasty patients advised to quit smoking before surgery?

Plastic surgeons strongly urge adult patients to quit smoking before the surgery, because smoking delays and complicates the healing process.

Will smoking marijuana after surgery make you stop breathing?

yes no maybe so..

Why does my new scar hurt badly after smoking marijuana 4 months after surgery?

because you are not saposed to smoke marijuana idiot

Does smoking marijuana after plastic surgery affect you?

lol plastic surgery... whether you have plastic surgery or not, it still destroys your brain cells and your lungs.

What are the risks of smoking cigarettes while healing from surgery?

Im not sure but I bet it's not a smart decision

Does smokeless tobacco slow down healing process after surgery?


Does marijuana slow healing time after surgery?

Make sure you use a vaporizer, ingest it orally or use the essential oil. Marijuana is a miracle drug that can cure cancer. There are many healing methods that have been withheld from you If you are sick or are having a hard time recovering from surgery marijuana can help you. But remember this, the most important part of healing is giving your body things that it needs (essential fatty acids) and positive thinking to synthesize certain chemicals in your body to also help healing. I am convinced the Bob Beck Protocol can help heal as well.

What Is the Recovery Process Like?

Understanding the recovery process is crucial for planning your post-surgery activities and ensuring a smooth healing period.

Will eating marijuana slow healing time after surgery?

Eating or vaporizing marijuana is certainly better than the alternative of smoking it. While science has yet to undeniably prove an overall healing propety in pot there certainly are some positive side effects that will probably speed up your recovery time, NOT slow it down. Your appetite will most likely increase causing you to ingest more proteins, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins that your body needs to heal itself. You will also most likely be drinking more water, which is essential for healing. There is an active ingredient in Sativa-1 that acts as a very efficient anti-inflammatory which will certainly aid in the recovery process Depending on how your react psychologically to bud you could be filled with more loving and positive emotions which can aid in the healing process. Your body will be in a much less agitated and more relaxed state, allowing your body to consume less energy on other things and spend more energy on healing.

Can smoking marijuana after heart surgery kill you?

Smoking anything (cigarettes, marijuana) after gastric bypass surgery is highly irritating to the new stomach "pouch" that is created during the surgery. This irritation can cause an ulcer in the stomach, which is almost unbearably painful and prevents the patient from eating or drinking. The other risk of smoking pot after the surgery is the munchies. Immediately after surgery (for the first month or so) your food intake is limited to a couple tablespoons to 1/2 cup of food per meal, and exceeding this amount of food will make you extremely sick, and can also result in death if the staple line in the new stomach is ruptured because it is overfilled. Later, overeating (or eating the wrong foods) will have a profound affect on your ability to lose weight or maintain your weight loss. To improve on the above, marijuana is used to TREAT ulcers!