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It is possible to get THC in your system from second-hand smoke, however, it is highly unlikely. Even if you DID acquire any THC from second-hand smoke, it would be completely gone from your system within a couple of hours.

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12y ago
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15y ago

it will get in your system but not a high enough amount to drop dirty from a drug test...! the last chick to update this can't even spell duh right. what is wrong with you people thinkin you know this...

Actually the truth is you can. I think it affects people different ways, but I had a friend who worked for FedEx and was never a smoker in her life, but everyone she was around always did all the time. She got hurt on the job so they had to drug test her and she wasn't worried, she didn't smoke. Guess what she dropped dirty and lost her job! Now she refuses to even be in the same room with people who are smoking. So like I said maybe it wouldn't happen for some people, but it IS possible.

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12y ago

Second hand smoke from pot would be extremely unlikely to show up on a drug test. I would say it's impossible, but then someone would sit in a bubble filled with pot smoke for a week and fail a drug test. Basically, if your not smoking it, it won't show up on a drug test.( so most likely about 1 second) ;)

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14y ago

Technically, yes, but the level is far below the threshold of feeling any psychoactive effect or showing up on a drug screen.

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13y ago

The simple answer is yes. I'm not sure how long you have to be exposed for it to show up in your blood stream but yes second hand cannabis smoke can get into your system.

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13y ago

I'm pretty sure if you inhale enough second hand marijuana smoke, then yes. So be careful.

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10y ago

Thankfully no.

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14y ago

yes you can

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Q: Does secondhand marijuana smoke show up in your system?
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Can you get THC in your system from marijuana residue?

Yes, You can get THC in your system from marijuana residue. However, marijuana residue, or as most incorrectly call it, resin, contains very LITTLE THC and a LOT of useless and harmful material

Does marijuana second-hand smoke stay in your system?

It can depending on how exposed to it you are. But very unlikely to show up.

What will make you test positive for Marijuana?

Consuming products containing THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, will make you test positive for marijuana in drug tests. This includes smoking marijuana, consuming edibles or oils containing THC, or being exposed to secondhand smoke in a confined space.

What are facts about secondhand smoke?

If someone smokes and the person next to that person is breathing in that air, that's called secondhand smoke. If that person breaths in enough of the secondhand smoke, that person could be sick. Maybe even possibly die with A LOT of air from secondhand smoke!!

Will marijuana smoke show up the day after?

show up where?

How long does THC stay in your system from contact high?

There is no such thing as a "contact high". 95% of the THC in Marijuana smoke is absorbed into the lungs withing 5 seconds. The remaining 5% is not enough to get you high, or show up on a drug test. Unless you've smoked it yourself, you're fine.

Can second smoke from marijuana carry cells to another persons body?

No, secondhand marijuana smoke does not transfer cells from one person's body to another. However, it can contain harmful chemicals and psychoactive compounds that may affect the health of individuals exposed to it, especially in enclosed environments.

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Does secondhand marijuana smoke show up on drug test the next day?

It is possible for secondhand marijuana smoke to be detected on a drug test, but the likelihood of a positive result is generally low, especially if you were not directly inhaling the smoke. The amount of THC inhaled from secondhand smoke is typically not enough to result in a positive test result the next day.

How marijuana do you have to smoke for THC to show up in your urine?

any amount of marijuana smoked will eventually show up in the urine.

If you don't smoke marijuana smoker and you kiss a marijuana smoker will a urinary analysis test fail due to traces of marijuana in your system?

It is highly unlikely for traces of marijuana to show up in your system through kissing a marijuana smoker, unless you directly inhale the smoke. The likelihood of it affecting a urinary analysis test is very low.

If you smoke two puff of marijuana and haven't smoke for a year will it show up in a drug test?

Lol, no. The longest marijuana stays in your system is up to a few months, and that is for heavy users. Depending on your metabolism, you were probably clean within a week.