Bubbles enjoys kissing boomer because she likes boomer and boomer likes her and blossom kind of likes it but buttercup does not But though she has feelings for Butch
They love eachother when their bigger adults
No: they are villains and The City of Clipsville on the scene when they were teenagers is not real so they do not really like each other Sorry Gacha people that make videos of PPG x RRB
The RRB or Roudyruff boys, and the PPG or Powerpuff girls are the same height. The Powerpuff girls is a childrens show about three girls with super powers. They live in the city of Townsville, and help save the day.
Him and Mojo. I know it sounds weird, but in the episode custody battle, Him and Mojo fight to see who is the more "eviler" parent. Turns out in the end, they both become the RRB's parents, and the boys get pissed off enough by them and go to destroy the PPG's. I think the RRB's get destroyed because they don't show up in anymore episodes after that one.
RRB means rowdy ruff boys
i think 86 RRB
The Puffyruff kids. Leader: Baileen (Later renamed Blair) (Color: Red) Daughter of Brick and Blossom Toughest Fight: Bynum (Color: Dark Green)Son of Buttercup and Butch Joy and Laughter: Buddy (Color: Baby Blue) Son of Bubbles and Boomer Enemies: The Toxintuff Gang Leader: Bryce (color: Orange) Toughest Fighter: Batty (Color: Yellow) Manic Laughter: Brietta (Color: Purple) There are many versions of fan PPG RRB kids but these are the ones I see popping up everywhere! XD
previous solved papers for staffnurse in rrb
Actually yes ever since she kissed brick for only 2 episodes she still has feelings for him and plus she does not mind kissing him on his cheek plus she did not notice it was brick on the episode city of clipsville where she met brick at the mall when they were teens
PPG Industries was created in 1883.
PPG Place was created in 1984.