

Does pi equals pie

Updated: 9/28/2023
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13y ago

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of course not! The shortened form of pi is 3.14, but it goes on FOREVER!!!!

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Q: Does pi equals pie
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Pie plus pie equals what?

If you mean the number pi, pi + pi is usually written as 2pi.

Square pie is 3.1416?

pi is 3.14159... so square pi ( pi x pi) equals 9.869

What does pie in math equal?

it's ''PI'' and it equals 3.141595286

What is the circumference of the moon pie?

Do you mean 'What is the circumference of the Moon using 'pi = 3.141592....'. If so :- The circumference is 10,921.0 km. or Using the equatorial radius it is 2 x 1738.1 x pi. = 10,920.8 km NB The mathematical pi is spelled as 'pi' and equals 3.14592654... 'Pie' spelled as 'pie' is the pie that you eat , e.g. meat pie or apple pie.

What is sin pie divided by six equals one half?

Sin(pi/6) = 1/2 is a true statement [not pie].

Is the formula pie times diameter of circumference?

First of all it is NOT 'pie', that is the meat pie or apple pie that you eat. The circular 'pi' is 'pi' (small/lower case) . 'pi' is the Classical Greek letter for lower case 'p', and means 'constant of **P**roportion'. To find the circumference of a circle the equation is C = pi d Circumference equals 'pi' X the diameter. or C = 2 pi r Circumference equals 'pi' X '2' X the radius.

What is pie equals 3.141 62?

3.1415926535897932384626433832795 are the first few digits of Pi. Pi is irrational, meaning that it never ends, and goes on forever.

Can your pie be bigger then 3.14?

Technically, the true value of pi is larger than 3.14 (3.14159...) so any value of pi more precise than two decimal places will be bigger than your version of pi which equals 3.14000... As for pie, there's no limit to how large a pie one can bake

What is 10 times pie?

Well, first of all, it's not pie, it's Pi. Pi times 10 equals 31.4159265897932384626433832795. You just slide the decimal point one digit to the right.

Why do you celebrate Pi day?

We celebrate pi day because pi equals 3.14........ which is an endless number. It's a fun math class to celebrate pi day on March 14th! Yum... Pie!

How do you tell the difference between pi and pie?

Pi is 3.1415926535... Pie is a dessert

What is the difference between pi and pie?

Pi and pie have nothing to do with each other except for the fact that they have the same pronunciation. pi is a number. to be exact pi is .14159264............ pie is a yummy dessert that can be pumpkin apple cherry........