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Depends on how much dip you're throwing in your mouth obviously, but a cigarette typically contains 1-1.5mg of niccotine. Dip contains anywhere from 4-25mg of niccotine per gram of chewing tobacco (a can contains 34g of dip). (34g/Number of pinches per can) x (4 to 25mg of niccotine) gives a rough estimate, but yes a typicall pinch of chewing tobacco contains much more niccotine than a single cigarette.

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13y ago
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15y ago

this is the turth no chewing tobacco is bad don't smok please it's bad for your lungs just promis me you will not smoke by akira in 6th grade

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15y ago

No. Chewing tobacco is just as dangerous, because it can cause oral cancer.

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14y ago

No it is not

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The cigarette.

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Q: Does one pinch of chewing tobacco have more nicotine than one cigarette?
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What is dips?

Dipping is when you insert a large finger pinch of chewing tobacco into your cheeck

How or what is nicotine?

Nicotine is a highly addictive stimulant found in tobacco. This drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream when smoked.How It's Used: Nicotine is typically smoked in cigarettes or cigars. Some people put a pinch of tobacco (called chewing or smokeless tobacco) into their mouths and absorb nicotine through the lining of their mouths.Effects & Dangers:Physical effects include rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, and a greater likelihood of colds and flu.Nicotine users have an increased risk for lung and heart disease and stroke. Smokers also have bad breath and yellowed teeth. Chewing tobacco users may suffer from cancers of the mouth and neck.Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, anger, restlessness, and insomnia.Addictiveness: Nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine, which makes it extremely difficult to quit. Those who start smoking before the age of 21 have the hardest time breaking the habit.

How do you make chewing tobacco?

Take all the tobacco out of a ciggarette Then soak it for 3 to4 hours in your favorite listerene then drain the listerene and your tobacco is ready for chewing

Does nicotine gum show in urine tests?

The presence of nicotine in the body can be seen through the detection of cotinine, the major metabolite of nicotine in human urine and blood and can be detected 7-21 days depending on usage. However, there are several other potential sources of cotinine in urine, for example, exposure to secondhand smoke, the use of NRT, exposure to nicotinic pesticide (approved for organic farming!) and consumption of other members of the same family of plants as tobacco - potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and aubergines (eggplants). Private companies offer other tests claimed to detect the metabolites of other chemicals present only in the tobacco used in cigarettes!

What is skoal?

Skoal is smokeless tobacco. However, its just one of many name brands of smokeless tobacco. The user takes a "pinch" of the tobacco and places it between their gums and their cheek. There is fiberglass mixed in with the tobacco, which cuts the users lip and allows the nicotine from the tobacco to enter the bloodstream. This, however, is not painful as the fiberglass is too small to be noticeable.

How do you use redman chewing tobacco?

you grab a superball sized pinch out, roll it into a ball, and if u wanna, put bubble gum around it and put it in ur cheeck n chew

How do you use smokeless tobacco?

Take a pinch of the tobacco and place it in between your gum and your cheek, either on the side of your mouth or in the front. I would recommend the sides first, as putting it in the front of your mouth can hurt at first. Leave the snuff in there for around a half hour, or until it has little flavor left, then take it out and throw it away.[ATTENTION: YOU MUST SPIT THE JUICE THAT COMES FROM THE TOBACCO INTO A GLASS, CUP, OR ANYTHING YOU CAN FIND TO SPIT INTO. IF NOT, YOU COULD GET VERY SICK BY SWALLOWING IT.]

Can you lace Ativan into tobacco?

Yes you sure as hell can! Ok if you bought a normal pack of cigs you can do two things, first is to crush up the pill. Than, take out all off the tobacco ( BUT DONT THROW IT AWAY IT NEEDS TO GO BACK IN THE CIGARETTE!). Ok then grab a pinch of tobacco and put it back in then put in a pinch of some crushed up ativan and repeat like so, tobacco then ativan, tobacco, then ativan and you hafl a perfect ativan cigarette. In my get rid of the cottn in the filter, not the filter itself just th cotton part. Secod way is so crush the pill into the finest powder you can get than empty only a tad bid of tobacco out keep that tobacoo of the cig than sprinkle ALL of the ativan in the cigarette but do it ever so slowley if you do it too fast it will just accumulate and be a big bump at the end of the cigarette. Once youve done that youll need something to push the tobacco/ativan down so use a head phone jack or the backside of a penicle or anything that will match the size of the cigeratte and puch down as much as you can the you put the tobacco you had back in and push it in then light up! But the effects are as strong as lsd so be verycarfel.

How many mg of nicotine in a dip?

I dipped for years and just quit 2 months ago. You get just as much as you would from a cigarette. Dip is just as addictive as cigarettes and just as bad for you. When they say that it is an alternative to cigarettes they don't mean it's a safe alternative. It's kind of like "A sharp stick in the eye is an alternative to one in your ear." Neither are desirable or good for you. First of all congrats on quitting! It is way harder to stop dipping than it is to stop smoking because there is way more nicotine in dip than in cigarettes. Cigs burn and dip is put in your mouth. They say that there is 9mg of nicotine in cigs and 8mg of that it burnt and 1 mg is actually ingested. But in dip its completely different because it doesn't burn and it isn't inhaled, it goes through the blood stream. And it also depends on how big of a pinch it is also, a small pinch is probably equivalent to a cig before you burn it, the bigger the pinch the more nicotine.

Do you chew chewing tobacco?

To Chew Tobacco leaves you just get a whole mess of them and put them in your cheek, be sure to spit out all the juice. Some people prefer to actually chew on it like bubble gum as well. If you have dip, witch is ground up chew in a tin not a bag. Take a pinch and put it in your bottom lip, be sure to spit if its your first time as well. Eventually you can probably stomach the spit and put it in the top of your gums. (top shelving it)

Can chewing tobacco be used for worming horses?

I have heard of this from lots of people back in the day my dads hired hand on the farm gave skoal to our border collie for worms my neighbor used to give his dog a cigarette every now and again and I personally have given weaned calves a used pinch of grizzly mint whether or not it really works I don't know but all the aforementioned dogs lived their lives free of worms and the calves never got sick don't see how it could hurt but I also remember using really cheap chewing tobacco and hot pepper on horse stalls to stop cribbing like all cribbing remedies it worked for a while but wasn't a long term solution

What happens to you when you smoke tobacco?

If you chew tobacco, a great buzz can follow for the first several times of use. These effects will gradually wear off, and will not be as strong if you ingest nicotine from some other avenue, such as cigarette smoking. Remember kids, your first time only keep it in for a couple minutes, nicotine poisoning makes for a great story, but your friends might not like to be covered in your puke. first of all you cant chew tobacco when you are a child. that is just wrong and stupid.