It appears if turn your urine red/pinkish and smell like vitamin B.
Does computed tomography Dye change the color of urine when excreted
Yes, disease, pregnancy, dehydration can all change the color of your urine. You can also change the color by simply drinking a lot of liquids with food coloring in them
Nitazoxanide typically does not cause a change in urine color. However, as with any medication, individual reactions can vary. If you notice a change in urine color while taking Nitazoxanide, consult your healthcare provider.
No ususally darker urine means you need to drink more water. The color of urine is not a sign of pregnancy.
There is no change in the colour of urine during menopause.
Yes, the pigment from the skin of the carrot is excreted in your urine.
because of the sun and urine.
sulfa diurtic
No it does not have to change colour if you are pregnant.
No, regular penicillin (pen vee) won't change urine color. Some other medication may affect the urine color however.
Yes, urine color can change when exposed to air for extended periods of time due to oxidation. This can result in a darker color, especially if the urine contains certain compounds like urobilin and urochrome. Additionally, bacteria in the air can also contribute to changes in urine color over time.