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No, it stays in the fat and hair cells for several months. If there were things that "cleaned" people of drugs do you think there would be drug tests? Don't use if you want to pass a test.

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Q: Does milk thistle help clean marijuana out of your system?
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Does coca cola and alka seltzer clean your system of marijuana?

No it does not, but if you are looking to clean your system of Marijuana, try niacin. That will definitely help but of course it won't get it 100% out of your system.

How long does it take to get marijuana out with water?

Water will NOT help clean your system of marijuana. See the Related Question below.

Do vitamins clean marijuana from your system?

No, vitamins do not clean marijuana from your system. The best way to eliminate marijuana from your system is through abstaining from use and allowing your body time to metabolize and eliminate the drug on its own. Drinking plenty of water and exercising may also help flush out the drug.

Will ocan spray clean marijuana out of your system and how long does it take?

You are being tested for the chemicals that your body uses to metabolize the marijuana not the marijuana itself. The ocean Spray will not help.

Does drinking water right after smoking weed help keep system clean?

No. Drinking water will not remove marijuana from your system.

How much cream of tartar should I take to clean marijuana out of system?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that cream of tartar can help to cleanse marijuana from your system. The best way to clean marijuana out of your system is to abstain from using it and give your body time to naturally detoxify. Staying hydrated and exercising regularly may also help.

Does it clean or mask your system?

Dr. Weed~ no smoking marijuana does not help mask or clean you system it just makes it worse.. so if some one tells you to smoke to clean your system tell em to screw themselves and be smarter than them.. listen to Dr. Weed i know marijuana i smoke it myself..

Does Metamucil clean out your system?

The fiber will help cleanse your colon, yes. But if you are asking if Metamucil will "clean out your system" for a drug test, then the answer is no. If this is a question about marijuana use, see the Related Question below.

If you poop a lot does it help clean your system of marijuana?

I wouldn't think so, as THC stores in the fat cells of the body.

How many bottles of water do you drink to clean out your system of marijuana?

THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) is fat-soluble; it stores itself in your fat cells. So, drinking water will NOT help remove it from your system. See the Related Question below.

How much water per gram of marijuana do you need to get clean?

Water does NOT help remove marijuana from your system, since it is stored in your fat cells. Fatty substances are not water-soluble, and thus, water does not flush marijuana from your system. See the Related Question below.