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No; bipolar is a very complex condition that needs constant tweaking of medication to control (but it is controllable). Marijuana is really pretty much the last thing a person with bipolar needs to add to the mix.

take it from me i have lived with bi polar disorder for a few years and in my experience it has helped with my symptoms and doesn't make me feel zombie ish from meds

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Q: Does medical weed help bipolar patients?
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Can Californians medical marijuana patients smoke in public?

Anyone who wants to smoke weed can do it whenever and where they feel like smoking a nice joint;)

Is weed legal in Florida?

Medical marijuana is legal in Florida for qualifying patients with a physician's recommendation. However, recreational use is still illegal.

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Yes. In fact it's highly recommended to many cancer patients to use medical marijuana instead of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy kills 7 out of 10 cancer patients. Medical marihuana saves 7 Out of 10.

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Yes. Medical use of MJ is legal for the treatment of PTSD in New Mexico.

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The advantages of weed are things like the high, the experirance, the medical benefits of weed.

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No, weed will not help you with anything in life.

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Is weed legal in Arkansas?

Yes, medical marijuana is legal in Arkansas for qualified patients with a doctor's recommendation. However, recreational use of marijuana is still illegal in the state.

What are the ingredients of legal weed?

There is no such thing as legal weed. Medical weed is specially developed for medicinal purposes, the DNA structure of the weed is altered so it does not have the same effects as illegally bought weed.