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No longer...explained by the Matisyahu himself in an interview with the Denver Westward, May 11, 2005: [Matisyahu] traces his spiritual awakening to a camping trip to Colorado when he was sixteen. "We went to Durango and a lot of other places, hiking and kayaking and stuff like that, and it was around that time I started opening up and exploring," he says. "When I was out there, I really started feeling a calling, or a longing, or a void. And after that, everything began to change." Today, these alterations extend to marijuana, which reformed toker Matisyahu rejects in the lines "Me no want no sinsemilla/That would only bring me down" (from "King Without a Crown"). He doesn't see his lack of interest in reggae's sacrament as contradictory. "I'm just putting out my ideas," he allows. "But when I smell people smoking weed at my concerts, I'm a hundred percent non-judgmental. I realize that everyone has their path, and if it wasn't for me getting high and zoning into reggae music when I was seventeen, I probably wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today." Today, Matisyahu's main buzz comes from his music and its message, and expectations be damned. "Anytime someone has listened to my music, they either come away with something or they don't," he says. "All I ask is that they really listen."

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