No it doesn’t, I’ve been on the medical marijuana program for almost 6 years and the best part is it’s not addictive like other substances. Just not street marijuana since it can/will be laced with other things such as fentanyl.
Yes, you will be hooked on Heroin within a week.
There is no credible evidence that marijuana leads to the use of other drugs, and some anecdotal evidence that it can help people with addiction problems. The only connection marijuana has with 'hard' drugs is that they are both illegal, and so a certain percentage of dealers will sell both. People trying to buy marijuana might be exposed to harder substances that way, or (if they are incautious) might find dealers who lace cannabis with harder drugs surreptitiously.
About 20%.
Marijuana is not a hard drug and no it will not be difficult to feel the effects.
Drugs that lead to the use of more powerful drugs. They are: Tobacco, Marijuana and Alcohol.
A gateway drug.
The idea that marijuana is a gateway drug suggests that its use could lead individuals to try harder drugs. This theory is controversial and not universally accepted. Some argue that the association between marijuana use and other drug use is influenced by other factors rather than marijuana itself causing individuals to seek out more dangerous substances.
A gateway drug is a drug that may lead to using other drugs. Some consider marijuana to be a gateway drug. The reason for that is that marijuana might be illegal for the wrong reasons. Then youth may try marijuana, realize it is not harming them, and become curious about the others, figuring adults lied about them too.
Because somebody told them so. It's not uncommon for people who smoke marijuana to be exposed to harder drugs due to the fact that drug dealers sometimes sell other drugs as well as marijuana. However, most people say no to the other drugs as the marijuana is better and has no negative effects as opposed to unnatural things that can mess people up.
It depends. There is no scientific evidence that using cannabis can lead to using harder drugs. But there is some evidence that certain people have what psychologists call an "addictive personality" and they are unable to just use a substance casually; they soon become addicted to it. Thus, you should use caution in deciding whether to smoke or not. Some people find they can enjoy occasional, recreational use of marijuana, and they find it relaxing. But others find they need to be around people who are smoking every day, and they ultimately may go on to use harder substances.
yes if you have noticed that there have been more perfect games no hitters people run faster play harder and hit harder all this leads to drugs Also, many reality show show that a lot of athletes use some kind of drugs be it steroids or marijuana. Ex. Micheal Phelps
No not EVEN Marijuana! No not EVEN Marijuana!
You can mix marijuana with most every drug. In fact, I do not know of any medications/drugs that are dangerous to take with marijuana.