Marijuana is a common name for a drug made from the dried leaves and flowering tops of the Indian hemp plant called Cannabis sativa. It is known by a number of slang names as grass, weed and the most common is Mary Jane. Widely spread throughout India, Central Asia and China.
Marijuana grows naturally grows just about everywhere. One of the most noted places where it grows naturally is California.
It will grow anywhere there are seeds planted i have read. the abundant plants grow when it is fertilized and watered and looked after continuously.
To grow a needs leaves.
There are several things that grow naturally in India. Some of things are rubber plants, marijuana plants, and cotton plants.
marijuana, or cannabis, did not enter the U.S. it is a naturally found herb. the government prohibited the use of marijuana in an attempt get rid of Mexicans which used marijuana in their everyday lives. however this attempt failed and the prohibition was never lifted.
As well as Puerto Rico, weeds grow naturally in most countries around the world. Last summer I even had weeds growing naturally through the cracks between the paving slabs on my patio in Bedfordshire, England. I used a special spray from B&Q to kill them off.If you are using the word "weed" as a substitute for marijuana, it does grow wild in many places in the world. However, you are not going to get high smoking "ditch weed". It does not have the THC content of marijuana that has been bred for consumption as a drug.
It is ILLEGAL in Canada to grow marijuana, but in most of Canada it is tolerated.
it is made at a marijuana farm were they grow the plants
Legally? There are few places that allow the plant to be grown. The few places that do allow it are Colorado, Washington, and Uruguay later in 2015 (the legalization was delayed). Otherwise, unless you have permission issued by an authority that is permitted to do so, you are not permitted to grow marijuana legally. As a plant? Anywhere you have the right soil, lighting and watering conditions.
Marijuana grows everywhere... because people grow it!! as long as you have seeds for it and know how to plant it
No, it's just illegal to grow it, possess it, or possess anything used to smoke it.