Marijuana tends to lose its potency over time. How much depends on the conditions in which it is stored. Heat and light both degrade the potency. By the end of a year or two, marijuana will have lost most of its effectiveness, even under good storage conditions.
They never go bad. Ever.
Well to society it is seen as a horrible dangerous drug. Has there ever been a reported death on marijuana? no. I'm tellin you its the govern ment trying to brainwash you into thinking that marijuana is bad. Are trees bad? no. Are flowers bad? no. So why is this so called drug so bad? its not. its the government that's stupid idiotic people and they just piss me off so much with their anti drug bull sh*t.
bad but not as bad as smoking ciggarettes
Nothing but try to convinse the president. But, you would be wasting your time because it is so bad for you. marijiuana is not bad for you who ever wrote this needs to do their research because studies have shown that it does no harm. Marijuana is not bad as its said to be. It is used in most medicine today, like painkillers and allergy medicine. Some psychiatrists actually prescribe marijuana as an antidepressent. also, unlike other narcotics, marijuaja is grown naturally. many states have already legalized marijuana.
Is it bad for people in this world to smoke marijuana.
It bad to smoke marijuana - simple!
No dog, just go for it. Your life sucks already. Have a nice time ::=====>
No, but marijuana is bad for you anyway, not to mention illegal.
it cant...................
Many people have died under the influence of Marijuana
no whiskey is distilled so it will never go bad so drink up .