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Marijuana is safer and less destructive then most pharmaceutical drugs and no it doesn't cause stomach priblems

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Q: Does marijuana cause stomach problems
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Can you die from marijauna?

It is possible to die from anything, including marijuana. If the marijuana is laced with something, that could cause problems. If a person smokes marijuana and then drives, they could get into an accident which could cause them to die.

Does marijuana cause copd?

No. Marijuana is actually used to treat respiratory problems such as copd, asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc.

What is worst to your body marijuana or liquor?

Liquor will kill you internally, where marijuana will kill you externally. Liquor will cause health problems and marijuana will ruin your life. But, both would help cover the pain both products cause.

Could pancreas problems cause you to vomit?

Yes, it can. Pancreas problems can cause fluid and air to build up in the stomach, which can cause severe vomiting.

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it causes stomach problems

If a man smokes marijuana while trying to conceive with his partner will it cause birth defects in the newborn?

The problems would be similar to a mother smoking marijuana during pregnancy.

What type of herb isn't used to treat a stomach ache?

marijuana marijuana

Does gas problems in our body causes giddiness sometime?

Yes intestinal and stomach problems can cause giddiness in some people.

Can horses eat liccorice?

They could but it's not good for them and could cause stomach problems.

What do you mean by Sprite does settles the stomach?

Diet Coke doesn't settle the stomach neither does Sprite cause its carbonated the best would be Ginger Ale cause of the ginger in the soda is a herb that works well for stomach problems.

Marijuana and Viagra will it work to get erection?

This is a very dangerous combination. Marijuana is a relaxant and Viagra is a stimulant. Smoking marijuana will cause the erection problems, so if you want to take Viagra, you should quit smoking pot altogether.

Can eating too many clementines cause stomach problems?

Probably since eating too much of anything can cause problems in the stomach. It is designed to take in a moderate amount of any food, junk food is worse to overdose on however.