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i have been using it for a few months now and have passed all my biweekly tests. you must take 4 to 5 times the daily dose and drink lots of water starting 24hrs before your test.

no problems yet but you do have some strange bowel movements

also please note that 24hrs before your test you should take 4-5 times the daily dose all at once then every waking hour or so take a daily dose along w/ a large amount of water and drinks with caffeine in them as caffeine is diuretic and will thin out your THC content.

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Q: Does l-lysine remove marijuana from your system?
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Will running vinegar and water remove marijuana from your system?

No. Nothing in the universe can remove it except for time.

Does the marijuana remove the sodium from the human system?

No. Sweating, urinating and crying remove the access sodium from your body.

Does drinking water right after smoking weed help keep system clean?

No. Drinking water will not remove marijuana from your system.

What is the quickest way to get marijuana from system?

In order to remove the THC from your system: Vitamin C and water in big amounts is my advice.

How many bottles of water do you drink to clean out your system of marijuana?

THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) is fat-soluble; it stores itself in your fat cells. So, drinking water will NOT help remove it from your system. See the Related Question below.

How much water per gram of marijuana do you need to get clean?

Water does NOT help remove marijuana from your system, since it is stored in your fat cells. Fatty substances are not water-soluble, and thus, water does not flush marijuana from your system. See the Related Question below.

What takes marijuana out your system?

not smoking it - followed by time - usually 2 or 3 months - sorry, but there is no quick fix to remove THC from your system.

Which amino acid is taken as supplement as your body could not synthesize it?

Llysine is one Amino Acid that your body does not synthesize.

How much water and vinger to use removing marijuana?

No known thing in the universe can remove it from your system. It can only be covered up temporarily.

Can you get THC in your system just by smelling a bag of marijuana?

No, you do not get THC in your system by smelling a bag of marijuana.

What are way to take marijuana in your system?

pictures of marijuana in a capsule form

Does vinegar remove marijuana from your body?

Yes it does