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yes, it can. A healthy diet is important for normal growth.

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Q: Does junk food affect growth
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How does junk food affect your teeth?

No effect

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Do the junk food's companies care about people's health?" 5. How does junk food affect the people's health?

What does junk food do to us?

Junk food can affect our immunity and then result in some serious diseases as well. Creative Peptides

How does junk food affect your growth?

Junk food can affect growth by providing far too many empty calories from highly processed sugars, starches and fat, without providing needed vitamins, minerals, fiber and other essential nutrients. We see the consequences today in vast numbers of people who are both overweight and undernourished.

How does food affect plant?

it increases its growth

Do junk foods affect in pregnancy?

Yes it can. When pregnant it is important to eat health. You can eat junk food but not too much.

How do cells affect growth?

Cells affect growth by supporting the system with food and water. The more food and water a cell takes in the more they grow.

How does plant food affect algae?

it increases its growth

Is organic junk food good for you?

Organic junk food is really no different than conventional junk food. Organic junk food is lacking the chemicals, genetically modified organisms, pesticides, growth hormones, and other man made food additives that are found in traditional junk foods. Currently on the organic food market you can find potato chips, sodas, candies, cakes, cookies, dips, etc. all of which are considered "junk food".

How does junk food affect people?

it makes them fatter. just eat fruit and veggies

Is it healthy to fast food yourself once in a while?

It is healthy to eat junk food once in a while because if you ate junk food everyday you would get sick and your defense in your body would go down allowing germs to affect you. If you eat junk food once in a while then you are having a balanced food prymaid. ^_^