

Best Answer

Body Piercing in the hands of a true professional body piercer working in an inspected and licensed studio is next to painless. You need to understand that "pain" is not an issue, it's fear of the unknown that you need to deal with. You have no idea what you are asking for and what is involved in getting it done. That's where the knowledge and experience of a professional body piercer can make the deference between an outrageously painful experience and an experience that you can't wait to tell your friends about because it was so easy.

You need to remove the fear by doing your research and not just the piercing, but the piercer, and the studio. Learn what you need to look for when looking for a Professional Body Piercer and understand what you are asking to have done. Talk to a few of your local professional body piercers and check out the studios, ask questions and learn. From that knowledge you will find the right studio with the right piercer for you, you need to be comfortable with the piercer and from that the trust in his/her skills will develop.

The "pain" is something you won't even consider, in the hands of a professional, the whole experience will be enjoyable and fun as it should be. Body Piercing is not for everyone, but for those who have been handled by true professional body piercers, it's one life's experience they remember as being one of the "cooler" things they have done. They still have the piercings to prove it. Happy Piercings.

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Q: Does it hurt to pierce your cartilage?
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I am planning to pierce my ear cartilage and does it hurt and is it dangerous to get it done with a piercing gun at a normal shop?

i have my cartilage pierced it didn't hurt just && the time i wasn't really eating or drinking anything so i fainted. i went to walmart to do mine

If your pierce the cartilage in your ear does it die?

no it doesn't

Could you still pierce your cartilage if your cartilage is broken?

You'll have to ask your piercer to check it out for you.

Does it hurt more to pierce your lip or your cartilge?

Like most people will tell you, it all depends on your threshold for pain. For some people those piercings barely hurt. But more than likely, it'll hurt more to get your cartilage. You can feel how soft and squishy your lobe is, and as you move up along the ear the cartilage becomes firm/tougher. Whereas your lip, is extremely soft all over. Personally, when I had my cartilage pierced it hurt far worse than my labret.

Which part of the ear do people pierce to wear earrings?

Most women pierce the lobe of the ear, although others, pierce the cartilage.

Can a person pierce there cartilage anywhere and not hit a nerve?


Is it better to pierce with a needle or gun?

The Needle. Using The Gun To Pierce Like For Example Your Cartilage In Your Ear, The Cartilage Might Shatter And Youll Feel Tiny Bumps Around Your New Piercing, Thatll Mean You Have Shattered Your Cartilage. So In My Opinion For Choosing What To Pierce With I Would Have To Say A Hollow Piercing Needle :)

Does getting your cartilage pierced hurt more with a needle or a gun?

You should never pierce your cartilage with guns. It will damage your body tissue and you will find a lump growing outside the piercing after a while. Guns are only safe for piercing the soft fleshy parts of your earlobes. Nowhere else. Safest is to go to a pro-piercing artist, he/she should use proper hollowed and sterilised or brand new needles to pierce. It doesn't hurt at all if the piercing is done professionally.

How do you pierce your cartilage with a pin?

This site is not geared to supply that type of information.

Does piercing pegoda pierce different parts of the ear?

yea they pierce cartilage and lobes. they only pierce ears there so im sure theyd pierce anywhere on that thing :l.

Where do they pierce you when you get your cartilage pierced?

Any place that you like, be it from a flat, to a conch, etc. This is a generalized term that relates to all spots of the cartilage.

Should I get my cartilage pierced if I am an athlete?

You can get the cartilage pierced regardless of your being an athlete or not. It is your choice. I personally do not understand why people pierce themselves.