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No because the needle goes through your ear so fast that it doesn't have time to bleed. If they do it wrong it will bleed but that chance is very small because there experts.

If you take it out the day you had it put in then it will start to bleed because getting your ear pierced is basicly having a cut in your ear.

I had mine done two days ago and it didnt bleed so your

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my almost 4 year old daughter just got her ears pierced a couple weeks ago and there is some dry blood around the earing in the morning usually, probably because shes moving around a lot at night and her earings are getting moved around.They do not look infected and theres no yellow discharge or anything like that....just a little blood sometimes. Oh and i always clean them everyday.

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Q: Does it bleed when you get your ears pierced?
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Ear's tend to bleed when pierced so wash the blood of a bit the put tree tee oil or salt water on to the bleeding bit or the solution you get when you had your ears pierced

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Mom, can I get my ears pierced.

Where can you get your ears pierced in Bath?

I do not have any piercings, though am considering getting my earlobes pierced. Many of my friends have pierced ears and got their ears pierced at either Jollys, Clairs, Accessorise or at a doctors surgery.I suggest if any of your friends have pierced ears that you ask them where they got them pierced.

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The lady who pierced my ears said 4 months

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You are not born with pierced ears, your parents had them done when you were a baby.

Can Jehovah's Witnesses get their ears pierced?

yes we can. i have had my ears pierced about three times.