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Lime actually helps burn the fat and hot water helps with indigestion

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Q: Does hot water with lime burn fat?
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Does hot water burn fat?


If you fill a zip lock bag with hot water on your stomach will it burn fat?

Honey, if that worked, there would be zero fat people on this planet. What do you think?

Do you burn more body fat when it is hot outside?


Can you reduce your burn fat without sweat?

You can go to the hot spring.

Why should food be dry when you deep fry it?

Water, once intruduced into a hot deep fat fryer, causes bubbling and splashing which can burn skin on contact

How do you measure fat calories?

calories are flammable the measurer people burn and see how big the burn is how how hot it is or how long it burns

Why does a hot fat explode with water?

when hot fat is dropped into water it causes the water it contacts to flash boil. the "explosion" you see is the steam trying to escape.

How do insects not burn in hot water?

their vary resilyent

What is the used of tong in kitchen utensils?

It's for lifting things from fat or hot water.

What effect does hot water have on the scalp?

if the water is to hot it will make your head have a reaction and cause it to burn and create more.

What precaution are taken for hot water burn?

put your hand in cold water

Touch hot water and not burn?

leave it for a long time and it can burn. :) i dont recommend you try it.