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Look at how he acts with other girls

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1mo ago

It can be difficult to determine someone's feelings based on their behavior alone. Look for additional signs or directly communicate to understand his intentions clearly.

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Q: Does he like you or is he just being friendly or nice?
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Does a person like you if they always sit next to you and smile at you?

No they are probably just being nice or friendly

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it means dolphins being nice it means being nice and always available to help like dolphins.

Your neighbor gave you a big smile does this mean he like you?

maybe, he might smile at you because he was being nice. it doesnt mean he likes just that hes friendly.

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Just be nice to her and be friendly like you would do with any other friend :)

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Just act naturally. Talk to him like any ordinary day. Avoid topics that could lead you to being awkward. Be friendly and nice and be yourself.

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be nice, friendly and gentlemanlike. or if ur a girl, than just be nice and friendly.

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Be nice and friendly.

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just be nice and friendly

Does that mean the guy you like truly like you if he is polite and nice and friendly and quiet towards you?

He could just be being nice to you but if ur the only girl he is being nice to or if he is being especially nice he might like u but u should not assume u should ask him (and not in chryptic questions and hints because us guys dont get most of those because we naturally dont pay enough attention to such thing and will inevitably miss it)

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she was nice and friendly

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Whatever you feel like, you can just say simply 'Hi'. Just be friendly and nice, you can tell her a joke even.

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being nice and friendly to anyone