If grinded up, the potency of the cannabis declines quicker than an ungrinded mix. So do not grind your cb until just before you're about to consume it.
No, I think all smoking ages you faster, cigarettes and marijuana. Sources: Experience
lol not usually, if he has sex after smoking weed it can make him go faster cuz it seems to enhance the feeling. if its drugs such as painkillers and sometimes amphetamines then it will take him a longgg time to nut and sometimes not even b able to finish at all.
not at all
your barrins in the wheels
Yes he will make all the kids smoke weed
you cant make marijuana good. its almost impossible :( all i can say if make sure you got some good stuff lol other than that weed is the best thing around
No, tomatoes do not make your breasts grow faster.
You Make My Heart Beat Faster - And That's All That Matters - was created in 1983.
Basil is a really good substitute for dill weed we use it all the time when we make potato soup!
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We all wish that they would do that.
Your heart beats faster, your blood pressure goes up, you are very awake, teeth grinding, loss of appetite, and ruinination of the teeth are all effects of stimulants.