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Grinding makes you feel horny and sometimes gives the guy a boner. Basically it feels good sexually in an orgasimish type of way. If your thinking of going grinding here are some basic tips and how tos.

The easiest way is butt to crotch where the guy will start out with hands low on the hips. Usually if the girl wants to grind she'll begin in a figure eight motion to the beat of the music. Don't press to hard! If the girl begins to press up onto the guy with one buttcheeck then the guy will use his hands to guide her exactly where he wants it. If you don't feel the other person then try grinding a little harder to get them into it and make a little soft sex noise. It might help. Don't be conserned if the guy gets a boner it makes the grinding better for the girl and the guy if you work with it.

Now for the hands! A girl can just dance with her hands in the air especially if she's not very interested in the guy. If she is a little more interested then she'll put her hands over his on her hips. Now if the guy wants to feel the girl he has to slowly move his hands a few different areas. Either to her inner theigh near her vj, in her crotch, to her butt, or too her boob. If the girl wants him to touch her more she can gently guide his hands to wear she wants them. The girl should either respond by moving his hands to a different spot or back to her hips, or leaning further into the grind if she likes it. If this happens then the guy should give a little massage to the area. The girl will really enjoy this and probably give you a better grind.

If you want to get more sexual with the grinding you either need to move a corner or closet. The grinding should continue the same, but may begin to be crotch to crotch. Straddle eachothers legs and do what feels best. In this situation the guy can move his hands to a lot of different places and it's ok. Making out is good in this situation, but don't make out on the dance floor because it grosses other people out. If your in a closet or a room then it's ok to take off the girls clothes. Begin by the guy sticking his hand in her bra. Then have the guy remove girls shirt, but not the girls bra. Then unzip her jeans and hope that she unzips the guys jeans then it's ok to take them off. The guy should then pull off his shirt and finially the underwear of course...haha...then continue to grind but harder. Let the guy finger the girl a lot so she gets all orgasimish. I promise from being a girl she will love this. Then carefully put the guys pen!s into the girls vj and hump her slowly. Continue to make out. The girl will probably make little sex noises which makes it more intense. If the girl begins to loose intrest the guy should grab her boob and press harder and at a faster rythm. Hope this helps!

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Q: Does grinding feel good
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If you are on a slippery road or just push the brake as hard as you can, that odd grinding feeling is probably your anti-lock brake system. The pedal will feel like it is grinding under your foot, accompanied by a grinding noise. this is a good thing, it means the system is working properly. If you aren't on a slick road or jamming the break, you should see a mechanic immediately.

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Drum Fill Friday is a good grinding song like B Smith Twerkaholic.

How does grinding feel like?

it feels like a handjob for a guy accept with the girls butt. and for girls you just feel horny.. lol

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Yes, it can definitely be awkward for a girl if she feels a guy getting an erection while grinding. She may feel uncomfortable or unsure of how to react in that situation. Communication and mutual respect are key in navigating such scenarios.

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Well depends who you are really. If your grinding a girl and another guy gets a boner you could just laugh or you could get into it.

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This does not make any sense, but it seems like you want to know if your date had a good time grinding. If he was grinding on you, then he probably enjoyed it, but if yu grided on him first, well, that's another story.

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