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The answer is yes for some people, while for others it's no. The speed of maturity in you depends on the genes you inherited from your parents, like for example if both your parents were 'late bloomers,' it's likely that you'll mature slowly, but you'll still mature. However, studies show that the speed of maturity in girls are usually more faster than boys.

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Q: Does girls mature faster than boys?
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Becuase girls mature more faster than boys.

Are girls more mature than boys?

yes.girls do mature way faster then boys. girls mature between 18,19,or 20.i think boys mature when they are like 26 or close to their 30's. I dont think so and im a girl boys just dont mature faster. My sister is in 8th grade and all the boys there are immature and she and all her friends are mature.

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Because girls mature faster than boys because they have more problems in life to mature with. But boys don't really care bout those kinds of problems.

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probably the sister, because girls mature faster than boys

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well... girls are more mature than boys and are always sensible but boys are more mature when there about 13

Do girls grow up faster than boys?

In terms of mental maturity, women do not mature faster than men. Gender has no effect on maturity. Maturity is determined only by the individual and any set of circumstances that person deals with in his or her lifetime. If you look back to a few decades ago, women did not have nearly as many rights as men did. They often had to prove themselves which caused them to mature differently than men. Of course, men and women back then were held to a higher standard of maturity than today. This is one reason why some people believe women mature faster than men. However, women physically mature faster than men do by a few years.

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Girls are better than boys because they developoed faster than the boys did

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Some girls run faster than boys and some boys run faster than girls

Do some boys mature faster than others?

Yes, it is common for individuals to mature at different rates due to factors such as genetics, environment, and experiences. Some boys may develop physically, mentally, or emotionally at a faster pace than others, leading to differences in maturity levels.

Is it natural for girls to like older boys?

yes, it's perfectly normal for girls like older boys especially 2 years and up. Girls mature 2 years faster than boys, so therefore girls that are dating boys older are maturity the same age.