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Yes. Any piercing is going to hurt to some degree.

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Q: Does getting your nipple peirced hurt?
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Related questions

Does nipple piercing hurt more then getting your tonuge peirced?

Yes, however it should be noted that tongue piercings are one of the least painful piercings to get.

Does getting your lip peirced hurt?

Yes, and you risk getting an infection.

Does Christina Aguilera have peirced nipples?

Christina Aguilera has a piercing in her right nipple.

What hurts more getting your ears peirced or your tongue peirced?

Your tongue.

Can you lose feeling if you get your nipple pierced?

I have had my right nipple pierced 3 separate times and I have never lost the feeling in my nipple, if anything it made it more sensitive. I recently pierced my left nipple for the first time and I definitely have to say that the piercing has definitely made it more sensitive.

How painful is a collarbone piercing?

very painful like when you get your collarbone peirced haha

Does getting your belly button peirced hurt?

I have a high pain tolerance with needles and I didn't think it hurt. You can feel it go all the way through though but it is not bad. It is definitely worth it too! Some places use numbing so if you are scared maybe you can find someone who will do numbing.

Why does your nipple feel hard and hurt male?

Guys LOVE Hard Nipples. It Is Easier For Them To Suck On And Wrap Their Tongues Around!

Is there a way to make your ears not hurt when you get them pierced?

Not really you could take medicine like Advil or something. But if you can't deal with 1 second of pinching and 1 minute of your ear being hot, I don't recommend getting your ears peirced.

Does it hurt to get your nose peirced?

Does it hurt? Well all piercings involve some discomfort an minor split second pain. It comes down to your mind set, if you really want the piercing pain is not an option and should not deter you from getting what you want. Mind over matter, if you don't mind the pain doesn't matter.

If only one nipple hurt does that mean your pregnant?

Yes nipple sensitivity and hurting is common during a pregnancy due to the influx of hormones

Does it hurt to get your cartlidge peirced?

I got my cartilage pierced when I was 12. And it honestly did hurt a little bit. Compared getting your nose pierced it hurts 10 times worse. I got my nose pierced for my 16th birthday and it didn't hurt at all. All you feel when you get your nose pierced is some pressure.