Fats and Proteins are two separate nutrients.Proteins - (amino acids) essential to growth and repair of muscle and other body tissues. Fats - (fatty acids) one source of energy and important in relation to fat soluble vitamins
Yes, a substance can have fat and protein. Milk has fat and protein.
No, fat is a fat.
Protein and fat
No one will not get fat from a protein diet based on strictly protein. But eating too much food high in protein will get one fat because of the calories.
milk has fat and low protein but high calcuim
protein protein
Yes, protein shakes can make you fat, as too much protein consumption can lead to a surplus in the body. This disrupts the balance in the "fuel mix" and you are less likely to use fat as a fuel because of excess protein. You can grow fat by eating too much protein because excess protein can lead to fat storage. If you are taking protein shakes you must account for the increased protein and decrease other dietary protein intake to avoid making fat.
10 10 %carbs; 20% fat; 70 % Protein
If individuals consume protein in excess of the amount needed, the extra protein will not be stored as protein. It will convert to fat and stored as fat.
The usable form of protein is DNA and the usable form of fat is well..... fat