That is really a very crude and disrespectful expression for cunnilingus, but yes it does feel good. At least it does if you know she is enjoying it.
if done right, yes it does feel very very good.
It feels good you get very tingly inside and then you can do her a favor like eating her out or sucking her boobies
yea it does alot feel so good to a girl
Well it subjective, If you like girls and like at slow sensitive foreplay then girl on girl should be good for you.
It is not the matter of no resting, good or not. The blood flows to the digestive system, not to our brain. That is the reason why we feel very sleepy after eating. Concentration after eating is to the digestion, not to thinking.
Girl feel good :)
For a guy and girl yes it is. The girl will feel a full body almost spasm and chills down your back. And you'll hear slurping sounds and feel it get wet. The guy will feel it get wet suddenly, and will experience a suction for a couple seconds, so very good.
Eating chocholates - though it is not a healthy way, but it is a good way, cause eating chocholates make you feel happy.
I just feel so good and that's it.. I don't feel like I have to per or squirt none of that
Of course lol
Answer It surely won't hurt and would probably make the girl feel really good