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Not necessarily You are an alcoholic if you cant give it up without worrying about it. Are you drinking three or four throw downs or are you drinking 3or 4 long necks. If you can calmly stop drinking them for two weeks with the beer in the fridge you are not an alcoholic.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Sure. It's not how much we drink, it's how and why we drink. The big question is, do you become uncomfortable if you don't have them?

You should also be aware that the best medical advice is to limit alcohol to five standard drinks a week (roughly 1 glass of wine, 1 12-oz. beer, 1 shot of liquor).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

yes or any kind of alcohol.

What kinda question is this? It also depends on who's doing the drinking and how much they are drinking. Typical rule...if you drink every day, and can not take basic over the counter drugs because you do not meet the inclusion criteria for someone who should take the medication due to your drinking are an alcoholic.

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Q: Does drinking 2-3 beers a night make you an alcoholic?
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Does drinking 2 3 beers a night make you an alcoholic?

It totally depends on the person. If you are an alcoholic, it is a disease and does go into remission. If you find that your beer isn't tasting very good stop drinking it and switch to anything nonalcoholic. You can quit drinking this way with no withdrawals. You really have to pay attention or you can drink right through it.

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It doesn't really make sense to go out in the middle of the night to get exercise if it keeps you away from drinking when you are a recovering alcoholic. It could be a good way to stop thinking about drinking but it's often more likely that the person is having some sort of relapse.

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She always says that drinking is her only vice, but that doesn't make her any less of an alcoholic.

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There is no set number of drinks that makes you an alcoholic. You're an alcoholic when you become addicted to alcohol--when you're dependent upon the drinks to get you through. If you continue drinking even though you know there will be serious consequences to your health, if you feel you can't stop, if you're hiding your drinking, if it's becoming a problem in your personal're an alcoholic. If that doesn't answer it for you, try the Alcoholics Anonymous website ( It has lots of information.

Can alcohol increase weight?

Yes. Alcoholic beverages contains a lot of calories, so drinking those can certainly make you put on weight.

What should people do after they drink alcohol so they can make their drinking low risk?

Alternate alcoholic drinks and water. Don't drink alcohol to excess.

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It doesn't mean you have to spend the night. And what difference does it make if your drinking,does that justify giving yourself permission to do so because of it? No. Drinking or not drinking you will make a choice. Sounds to me as if you had already made your choice before you ask the question. Also if your drinking, does that mean because he is married it would be a excuse to make out like you didn't know what you where doing and it JUST HAPPEN? Go figure

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No, stopping weed will not make you an alcoholic. However, when people have become accustomed to an abnormal mental state, it is not unusual for them to look for other drugs that will accomplish a similar effect. Since alcohol is highly addictive, there is a good chance of developing alcoholism if they turn to drinking.

What are the chances of an alcoholics children drinking?

Alcoholism has a strong genetic component. In addition to that, the example of parents drinking and the trauma associated with living in an alcoholic household make it even more likely that children of alcoholics will drink, and that they will become addicted if they do.

Is drinking a common helper in injuries from guns or bows?

I am going to try and answer this question, however loosely it has been asked. Drinking alcoholic beverages while recovering from any injury can and usually will be damaging to your health. It can inhance the effects of some medications, it can cause other health problems or even death. Drinking water, however, if allowed by your doctor, can and will make a more rapid recovery. Drinking alcoholic beverages while using guns or bows can be a 'real' help in causing injuries from these.

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Getting a full night sleep after drinking may not make a person okay to drive in the morning. It depends on the weight of the person, their metabolism, and how much they have to drink the night before.