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Nope, that a old wives tale.

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Q: Does craving spicy food during pregnancy mean its a boy?
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Is eating green chillies during pregnancy safe or not?

You can eat spicy food during pregnancy but in moderation. If you already have heartburn it will get much worse though.

Is craving vinegar a sign of pregnancy?

Craving vinegar could be a sign of pregnancy. Women who are pregnant crave many different food items. This is believed to be because of dietary deficiencies.

What are the signs of pregnancy after seven weeks?

It is nausea , craving for food, cramps and backaches.

Does craving savory foods sign of pregnancy?

It can be a pregnancy craving, or it can be that you just want some savoury food. Pregnancy is more probablr, if you have had sexual intercourse with a male within the last few months and he has ejaculated sperm into you.

What are pregnancy craving and why do women get them?

Pregnancy cravings are where for no visible reason, a pregnant mother gets a strong urge for a particular food. As for why, sorry, I don't know.

Is Colombian food spicy?

Sometimes it is spicy. All cultures have at least one food that is spicy.

Is fijian food spicy?

Fijians tend to have spicy food

Is spain's food spicy?

No it is not spicy it is rather used in herbs

What are the food to consume during pregnancy?

A well balanced diet.

Cravings of non-food items during pregnancy?

It is Pica

How do you say spicy in Hindi?

Spicy in hindi can be said as 'TEEKHA'. It is the expression for the spicy food.

Why isn't Afghan food spicy?

Afghan food can be really spicy, or not spicy at all. Every family/individual adds their own "secret ingredient." I'm afghan and the afghan food I make is really spicy because that is what i like. :)