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Cranberry juice doesn't clean the urine, but it is good to drink if you think you may be coming down with a bladder infection. It cannot cure a bladder infection you already have, but it can help prevent one if you are just starting to show symptoms. No it makes it dirtier.

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15y ago

I doubt it seriously! THC is a very complex compound and is not easily "removed".

Removed from what by the way? a stain on clothing? The human bloodstream?...

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13y ago

no , try cranberry pills they might work and sweat it off by running ALOT and drinking ALOT

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I don't think it works

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Not a chance. It is a myth.

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No, it does not.

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Q: Does cranberry juice help get THC out?
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Will cranberry juice get ride of t h c?

Cranberry juice does not help to eliminate THC from the body. The best way to clear THC from your system is to allow time for it to metabolize and be excreted by the body. Drinking plenty of water and engaging in physical activity may help speed up the detox process.

What is the fastest way to get THC out of urine?

cranberry juice 100%

Will drinking vinegar and cranberry juice help get THC out of your system?

No - this, along with many other "facts" like this is an urban myth.

Does drinking lime juice help get marijuana out of your system?

Yes, lemonade will help get THC out of your system. But it is nowhere near the best way. Of course there are many products available on the market that can help but many of those are expensive and some make false claims. A good way to get rid of THC in your system is to drink lots of water, about 2-3 gallons a day, and drink cranberry juice. Water will flush your system and the cranberry juice will help to detox the THC from your fat cells. About 4-5 glasses of juice a day will do the trick. This will greatly speed up the time it takes for THC to get out of your system.

How do you flush THC from urine in 24hrs?

its different for everyone, but drinking lots of water and cranberry juice should help. Just watch out for water poisining its different for everyone, but drinking lots of water and cranberry juice should help. Just watch out for water poisining

Does cranberry juice help you to get your period if it is late?

No. Cranberry juice helps urine infections

Does drinking cranberry juice help lose weight?

No, cranberry juice hasn't been proven to help with weight loss.

Will cranberry juice help pass kidney stone?

Any liquid will help, but cranberry juice has nothing over water pertaining to kidney stones. Cranberry juice helps with kidney and bladder infections.

How may you help your digestive system to work better?

What I do is drink a lot of cranberry juice.

Can you drink a gallon a day for 6 days to clean THC?

Since THC is fat-soluble (stays in your fat cells) drinking water does NOT help get it out of your system. Neither does cranberry juice, vinegar/pickle juice, bleach, or any other homemade remedy. See the Related Question.

What detox can you use to help clear your system of cannabis?

Cranberry, and lots of it along with plenty of water. This does not work overnight. It takes days for the human body to metabolise THC. There is no way to instantly flush the system of THC and thus avoid an impending drug test.

Is there a sure way to get THC out of your system?

There is no guaranteed way to quickly eliminate THC from your system. However, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet may help speed up the process. Time is the most effective method for THC to leave your system.