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It Does not. Only Time will cleanse your system Ingesting bleach is contraindicated in all circumstances. It would cause great damage and can even kill. Flushing your system is best achieved with water and time.

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Q: Does bleach and milk clean your system?
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Does bleach clean your system?


Does bleach water clean marijuana from system?

No, it does not. Drinking bleach is incredibly stupid and dangerous.

Does bleach clean you system of weed?

bleach does, milk only takes away your high

Does bleach clean your urinary system?

While bleach can effectively clean surfaces, it is not meant to be ingested or used to clean your urinary system. Ingesting bleach can be harmful and result in serious health issues. It is important to only use cleaning products as directed and not for internal use.

How do you clean your system out in 1 week?

Drink a gallon of bleach.

Does milk clean cocaine your system?

no no no no on

Does colorox clean your system for marijuana?

if your refering to the bleach the only thing it will do is put you in alot of pain and die. it will not clean your system

Can bleach clean out pills in a piss test?

Yes.. Bleach can clean your system out of pills..

Does bleah clean out your system of majiuana?

If you mean bleach, NO! It will however, make you very sick if you drink it. The only thing that will clean it out of your system is time.

Does one teaspoon of bleach in your orange juice clean your urine?

No, bleach and orange juice does not clean out your system. It may kill you or make you sick. It will not help you pass a drug test.

Will bleach and water clean your system before a drug test and how much water are you to drink?

Since the answer to the first question is "no", the answer to the second question is kind of meaningless. Bleach and water will just make you sick, it won't "clean your system."

Does milk contain bleach in it?

No, milk does not contain bleach. Bleach is a chemical used for cleaning and disinfecting, and it should not be present in milk.