I don't
by biteing it head off
No. It's just an annoying habit.
kicking biteing and running that's why they have such long legs
Its sexy, also its just nibbles dont bite hard.
by biteing it and chewing it.Most people dont know how to.its a safisticated practice.
yes why do you think he's always biteing random people in the ball sack
To turn into a larva girl you need the larva girl's costumes and the red wig.
You don't; your a girl or a boy.
You can not.
as long as you show the guy that u like him then its a turn on
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to ask but if there's a girl nearby you can turn and face her for a minute, you can turn and talk to a girl for a minute if you want to. You can't, however, turn into a girl for a minute. Assuming you're a boy, you can't change your biological gender at all. In a sociological sense, you can identify as a girl but you can't transform into one.