The population of Benihana is 5,000.
The population of Benihana is 5,000.
Benihana was created in 1964.
A Benihana Christmas was created on 2006-12-14.
You can find Benihana restaurants all over the United States, Latin America and the Carribean. The exact locations are mentionned on the website of Benihana.
A benihana chef makes about $40,000 yearly and they also get tipped
Some words that rhyme with "Benihana" are banana, cabana, mana, and nirvana.
There is no specific history associated with a "Benihana flower." Benihana is a Japanese restaurant chain known for its teppanyaki style of cooking, but it is not commonly associated with a specific flower. If you are referring to a specific flower, please provide more context or clarification.
OH MY GOODNESS YES! Kobe is so good! They actually have Japanese Chef's there and their Shrimp sauce is s much better than Benihana's. If Kobe and Benihana were department stores, Kobe would be Macy's and Benihana would be K-Mart!
A benihana is an aerial trick in skateboarding in which one hand grabs the tail of the board and the back foot is released from the board.
It means red flower It means red flower