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Yes, unfortunately drinking too much beer can kill you. It could take some effort to drink enough beer to actually kill you, but it can happen. The level of blood alcohol that will kill 50% of those afflicted with it (a statistical measure known as LD50) 0.55%. By contrast, .08% is the well known drunk driving limit. It's hard to say how much beer you'd have to drink to get that far, since it depends on so many factors, but it could happen. More practically, drinking too much can cause death indirectly in a number of ways. Drinking and driving of course is a good way to kill yourself and others. If you pass out drunk you can vomit in your mouth and then asphyxiate yourself. Drinking too much over a long period of time can lead to a number of unpleasant things like cirrhosis. Moral of the story: enjoy beer responsibly.

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16y ago
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15y ago

If you drink too much of it then yes, you can get alcohol poisoning and die.

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15y ago

No, and I have no idea who would start such a bizarre rumor.

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13y ago
Well, this is the answer.From stories beer could kill you .It makes you die at an early age.

Maybe thirty.

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9y ago

Alcohol kills a lot of people, mostly when they drink and drive. People can also overdose on alcohol and die that way, or drink so much over time that their liver fails and they die.

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9y ago


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